October is Ripe for Poetry

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When the Frost is on the Gargoyle
Ron Whitehead

National Beat Poet Laureate

When the frost is on the gargoyles 
and the pumpkins are painted black 

and the bats dart all round me 
I stare into my final night  

and peer into the past
I look over the vastness 

of 70 years lived 
on the road with friends

and I whisper hallelujah 
then recite 

the bone man dances circles 
round the subterranean gloom 

paints pink and blue and purple 
until he fills the doom 

with the smell of roses 
and a pandemonium moon

I'm feeling fiddle fit as I hear  
The Devil Went Down to Georgia

I stare at faces in the trees 
as stars shine through fall leaves

the wide winged owl 
sweeps a foot above my head 

and says who who 
who are you

then in the wolf light 
of early morning 

I pray the sun 
will greet me soon

and then I'll walk 
along the mighty river 

one more time 
with my gypsy dog

and I'll write a final poem 
and sing one more forlorn song 

before I bid farewell 
and say thank you friends 

for this fair and good life 
now come and gone

for my dears the time 
will have arrived 

at long last 
to bid you all 

my final 
sweet goodbye